Layout the chocolate biscuits on to a tray.
Using a teaspoon place a small blob of strawberry jam in the centre of each biscuit.
Place the biscuits to one side while you make the marshmallow.
Cut the gelatin into small pieces and cover with a little water. Leave for ten minutes until the gelatin leaves are soft.
In the meantime, add the sugar, 4 tablespoon of golden syrup and 4 tablespoon of water to a heavy bottomed saucepan.
Heat the pan on a medium flame until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Turn the pan up to a higher heat and, using a sugar thermometer, boil the sugar syrup until it has reached 240F.
Just before the syrup hits 240F, drain your gelatin leaves and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds or until they have melted completely.
Pour the melted gelatin into a large bowl and begin to whisk with the last 4 tablespoon of golden syrup.
As soon as the sugar syrup hits 240F remove from the heat and begin to drizzle into the mixing bowl, keeping the mixer on a medium/low speed.
Mix for 5 minutes until the marshmallow mix becomes pale and doubles in size.
Turn the mixer on high for the final 5 minutes until the marshmallow becomes, thick, glossy and is treble the volume it originally was.
Once it becomes difficult to mix spoon the mixture into three seperate icing bags.
Let the mix cool for 5 minutes before cutting the end of the icing bag so that the opening is about an inch wide.
Pipe a ring of marshmallow around the jam on each biscuit using the first piping bag. Leave this to set for 5-10 minutes until.
Next, pipe a slightly smaller ring on top the first with the third piping bag. Again let this sit for 5 minutes until firm.
Using the third and final icing bag, pipe a blob on top of the previous marshmallow ring to create the ghosts head.
Mix the cornflour and icing sugar together and dust over the top of the marshmallows.
Leave for 5 hours until the marshmallow is completely firm.
To finish, draw on a ghoulish face.